Agnes Table
The Agnes Table is soliciting interest from experienced performing, theatre, and visual artists who are interested in both practicing and exploring their craft and collaborating across the artistic disciplines. This workshop, founded in 2004 for teaching and professional theatre artists and driven by the performer/auteur and devising models of theatre making, is committed to fostering a dedicated, stimulating, and challenging environment for serious and experimental art makers. Please email or send a letter of introduction and resumé to Jason Lambert at agnestable@gmail.com or 29 Concord Street, Peterborough, NH 03458.

1. Beginning Acting: This sixteen session workshop will run mid April through mid June and is a great introduction to the fundamental skills and craft of acting. Location: Peterborough Historical Society; Number of participants: 10-14; Workshop Fee: $250.

2. Scene Study: For actors with some training and/or experience on stage, this workshop meets mid April to mid June. Sixteen sessions in all, this workshop reviews basic elements of acting with particular emphasis on actor strategies and craft for before and during rehearsals, including character development, scene analysis, and working effectively with scene partners and directors. Location: Peterborough Historical Society; Number of participants: 10-14; Workshop Fee: $250.
For more details please don’t hesitate to contact Jason at (603) 924-1953, jasonlambert67@gmail, or through this website.